Tried everything but still struggling to get it all done?

I think I can help.

This is NOT a productivity system. 

I don't have a 10-step magic formula to give you. 

But I do provide the building blocks for you to create your own. 

I don't have all the answers to your productivity problems. 

But I can teach you how to think about your productivity so you can make better choices about what to do to get back on track. 

I don't tell you what you need to do to be more productive. 

But I do help you understand what you do, why you do it, and how to change it. 

I don't have a 10-step magic formula to give you. 

But I do provide the building blocks for you to create your own.

I don't have all the answers to your productivity problems. 

But I can teach you how to think about your productivity so you can make better choices about what to do to get back on track.

I don't tell you what you need to do to be more productive. 

But I do help you understand what you do, why you do it, and how to change it.

Simple? Yes. Easy? Well...

That's where I come in. Let's chat about how I can help you or your team.

Meet The Productive Procrastinator

Hello there! I'm Nicole and I'm about to become your new favorite person. Why? Well, I'm about to show you how to reduce your stress and anxiety with four simple questions. But I'll get to that shortly.

First, a little bit about me. If I seem like I have it all figured out—don't be fooled! I struggle as much as you do to stay organized and focused to get what I need to get done, done.

I have spent thousands (THOUSANDS!) of hours researching and testing every possible productivity system and app in a quest to find the magic formula to help me overcome my procrastination, distractions, and inability to focus on the task at hand. In the end, I spent more time trying TO BE productive than actually BEING productive.

But then I noticed something—all the systems and apps I tried had very similar building blocks, just put together in different ways. 

What I saw was that "productive" actually meant a few core things. It meant how you organized your space, time, and information; how you decided your course of action; how you optimized the time you spend on certain activities; and how you maintained all that over the long term.

Once I understood this, I was able to completely change how I approached my day and my productivity. 

Of course, I still get overwhelmed at times and fall off the rails. The difference now is I've found that asking these four simple questions allows me to quickly regain control and get back on track.

Want a different approach to tackling your* productivity?

*or your team's

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Got 5 minutes? Sure you do. 

Complete my Procrastivity Assessment and find out what you need to focus on RIGHT NOW to improve your productivity.